World Skeet C-of-C Shoot Offs 2007 (commentary)

During the first set of shoot offs for the Champion-of-Champions event at the 2007 NSSA World Skeet Shooting Championships, Robert Paxton of PAXTON ARMS in Dallas Texas talks over the prospects of who might win with All-American Todd Bender.

In the Champion-of-Champions event, each shooter shoots a round of skeet with each of the four gauges (12,20,28,.410) for a total score of 100. The first set of winners then shoot a round of Doubles with the .410 and those winners progress to the shoot off of more Doubles with the .410 in the Stadium field.

This is also the first video with a reminder of the great chance to “Shoot with the Stars” at the Toni Rogers Open in March of 2008.