Why Shoot

imageBecause it’s FUN !! Builds self-confidence... Develops good eye-hand coordination... Gets “couch slugs” up and out into the great outdoors... Because it’s NOT easy... Because males and females compete head-to-head... A sport for the young, the old, and even the handicapped... Teaches SAFE handling of firearms...WHY???join the fun

An equal opportunity sport…

The shooting sports are the most democratic of all sports. Men and women can compete head-to-head along with younger shooters and even those with disabilities.

The sport requires no great strength and no great speed. Anyone with modestly good eye-hand coordination can easily learn the basics of the game and compete along with everyone else for top prizes or just bragging rights.

The “old boys” network opens up for those who can enjoy the challenge of breaking moving targets and the pleasure of a day outdoors. A sport for those who may not qualify for typical sports and are looking for something different.

Contact Bill Fisher to get more information on how you or your club can get national assistance in getting local kids and their schools involved in the shooting sports. High schoolers can learn enough skills to qualify for college scholarships or even “letter” for their respective high school under the Scholastic Clay Target Program.


Skeet Trivia:

The name “skeet” comes from a Scandinavian word for shoot and was given to the sport by Gertrude Hurlbutt of Dayton, Montana in 1926 in a naming contest. She also won $100.

NSSF-NSSA Scholarship criteria and applications are now available. Please download here and mail to NSSA Headquarters. Download Scholarship Requirements and ApplicationimageNEW

CLICK HERE for NSSA Podcasts

(or go to the Apple iTunes Music Store and do a search on “skeet”)

also available on www.YouTube.com/skeetshooting

Girls can shoot too. Click here for a short video...strokestrokestrokestroke

Ohio State University Shotgun Club News

(Buckeye Shotgun Club)

A new semester – and new teams