State Shoot Event Sponsor
The Buckeye Vintagers, an Ohio based Side by Side Shotgun Club and an affiliated Chapter of the Order of Edwardian Gunners, has agreed to be the Signature Sponsor for the Ohio State Skeet Association’s 12 Gauge Event.
In addition to a pledge of $500.00 to the State Association, the Buckeye Vintagers will offer a concurrent event for Side by Side Shotgun fans, in Memory of Dayton Skeeter and Side by Side fan, Bob Skillman.
We feel that this is a beginning–a good way to start the upgrading our Ohio Championships. If we secured additional sponsors for each of the remaining events, the extra money generated would greatly improve the program. Trophies, advertising, and added money can bring more shooters to the game.
It is not too late to add additional Sponsors for the Small Bore Events! Perhaps the action of the Buckeye Vintagers will create some additional interest and activity?