Skillman Memorial Side by Side Results

We had 16 shooters participating in the 1st Bob Skillman Memorial Shoot which was conducted as a 50 target side match at the Ohio State Skeet Shoot August 25th.  All competitors were required to shoot a Side by Side.  All other requirements mirrored the current skeet rules, so shooters were permitted a pre-mounted gun with no delayed target release.
Bruce Christian was the Champion, posting a fine 48×50.  He was followed closely by Rick Smelko, Tom Lemley, and Mark Kiddie with 47×50’s.  This tie was broken via the long run, with Rick Smelko winning Runner-Up honors and Tom Lemley taking the 1st Lewis Class Trophy.
Our outgoing OSSA President showed his versatility with a side by side, and posted the sole 44×50 to take the 2nd Lewis Class trophy.  Chris Olson likewise hammered a 39×50 with a borrowed gun to capture the 3rd Lewis Class trophy.
Bruce’s name will be engraved on the Skillman Memorial Trophy which will reside in the Ohio Hall of Fame Museum.
Many thanks to all those participating.
For those interested, the scores were as follows:
48/47     47/47/45/45/45   44/43/43/42      39/37/37/34/33