Skeet Shoot: Bill Dieble Memorial Open – Clinton Co. FSA OHIO
Skeet Shoot: Bill Dieble Memorial Open – Clinton Co. FSA OHIO
Clinton County
Farmers & Sportsmen’s Association
Wilmington, OH
Bill Dieble Memorial Open
May 18, 19 & 20, 2007
100 Registered NSSA Doubles
Registration opens @ 3:00 pm
Shooting begins @ 3:00 pm
100 Registered NSSA targets – 12 gauge
100 Registered NSSA targets – 20 gauge
Registration opens @ 8:00 am
Shooting begins @ 9:00 am
100 Registered NSSA targets – 28 gauge
100 Registered NSSA targets – .410 bore
Registration opens @ 8:00 am
Shooting begins @ 9:00 am
Entry fee $15.00/100
Optional purses for HOA, Gun Champ,
Class & Lewis Class
$2.00 ea.
1-3 entries pays 1st
1-5 pays 1st & 2nd
1-7+ pays 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Limited food service available.
Directions & info:
General Info:
NSSA rules will apply. Shoot management reserves the right to amend this program. Eye and ear protection is mandatory. Competitors and their guests present on CCFSA property assume all risks resulting from any accident or loss of property while participating in this event. NSSA, OSSA, & CCFSA are not responsible for any injury or loss incurred by any individual. 2007 NSSA HOA & HAA applies. Gun Champ comes out of class.