OSSA Schedule 2007

imageimageimageEXAMPLE Shoot ID Number (click to see shoot results if available) Shoot Name Dates (Start - End) Club ID Number (click to see club information)
Club Name (click to see club information if available) Location (click to see club information if available) Gauges being shot Has it been canceled?

Thanks to  Clyde Scott Davis for all of the great shoot logos he has created for Sportsmen’s Shooting Center.

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imageBack to OSSA Schedule main pageFind shoot results by Clicking Here and finding them at mynssa.comjoin the funCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMVintage SkeetCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMjoin the funClick here for the program.Click here for the program.Click here for the program.join the funADVANCED REGISTRATION NOW BEING TAKEN Belt buckle to each participant $2000 added money $500 for a 400x400 Saturday Night dinner + $250 in random drawingsCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMCLICK HERE FOR THE RESULTSjoin the fun$1000 added money Cellar Champ Award Participation Pin Saturday Night dinner + $250 in random drawingsCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMCLICK HERE FOR THE PROGRAMCLICK HERE FOR THE RESULTS

shapeimage_39_link_0joiN the funJULY 2007 124603 TARGETS ONLY Sunday, July 01, 2007 - Tuesday, July 31, 2007 15887 HUNTING VALLEY GUN CLUB MIDDLEFIELD, OH 123706 FSA FIRECRACKER 12GA OPEN Wednesday, July 04, 2007 15864 FAIRFIELD SPORTSMENS ASSN INC CINCINNATI, OH 12 Gauge 124335 FIRECRACKER OPEN Wednesday, July 04, 2007 15872 SPORTSMEN

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