It’s never the shooter’s fault… If you’re like a lot of shooters, it’s never the shooter’s fault that there is a miss. The gun didn’t fit right, the sun was in their eyes, the shell sounded weak, there was a noise from the other field, someone was seen out of the corner of their
The name of this Association shall be the Ohio State Skeet Association, Inc., the same being a non-profit corporation of the State of Ohio, having been incorporated the 15th day of September, 1937. The period of duration of this Association shall be at the pleasure of the members. ARTICLE II OBJECTIVES The objectives of this
An equal opportunity sport… The shooting sports are the most democratic of all sports. Men and women can compete head-to-head along with younger shooters and even those with disabilities. The sport requires no great strength and no great speed. Anyone with modestly good eye-hand coordination can easily learn the basics of the game and compete
ARTICLE I Membership SECTION 1. The Association will affiliate with and maintain membership with the National Skeet Shooting Association SECTION 2. The membership of this Association shall be unlimited but restricted to residents of the State of Ohio upon application to the Treasurer of the Association and payment of dues. Dues of the Association shall
From Thursday, March 25, 2010 through Sunday, March 28, 2010 World Champion Todd Bender will be holding a shooting clinic at Fairfield Sportsmen’s Association in Harrison OH. (click for flyer) This clinic is much like the one Todd held immediately following John Haugh’sColorMatrix Open Skeet Championships for 2006 only this one will include a Beer b& Bar-B-Q Event on Friday, March
2009 NSSA World Skeet Shooting Championships October 3 – 10 San Antonio Texas MINI-WORLD Referee’s Event Richard Olah C4 94 12 Gauge Event Fred Tschantz AAA4 100 20 Gauge Event John Haugh SR22 100 King Heiple SVCH 93 Sue Huszai LY16 98 28 Gauge Event John Haugh SR19 99 .410 Bore Event King Heiple
During a recent Skeet Shooting Clinic held by All-American Todd Bender, a student named Steve learns the importance of keeping his shoulders straight – particularly on Station 5. Todd’s Clinics are World famous and this year’s Clinic afterJohn Haugh’s ColorMatrix Open Skeet Championships had an International flavor as shooters came from several states and countries to attend the worthwhile
Gary is the student this time and his question about when you see the second bird on Doubles is answered by a story about when Wayne Mayes says he sees the second target. Not only are Todd Bender’s Skeet Shooting Clinics a great way to improve your game but they also allow you to hear all the
During a session of Todd Bender’s Skeet Clinic held at Sportsmen’s Shooting Center in Canton OH, student Dan Moore of West Virginia learns the proper way to be ready for the target. Todd holds sessions like this many times during the year and recently has been doing his clinics in Canton either before or after John Haugh’s ColorMatrix Open